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Trainee projects providing social support

Trainee projects providing social support

Implementing a community project has been a matter close to our hearts for years. It is equally important to enable our trainees to run their own projects, the proceeds of which benefit a social purpose:

A songbook containing traditional songs of the citizens of Gechingen, some in dialect, already created a sense of belonging among the people of our community in the past. The idea of publishing the cookbook "Gechingen is(s)t anders" has recently challenged our trainees and, at the same time, has brought the residents closer together. It contains traditional recipes and recipes submitted by people from different cultures having found a home in the municipality - the focus is on diversity, to which we are committed.

Commitment to clubs

Commitment to clubs

Supporting regional clubs is very important to us. For example, we support local soccer and fistball clubs through sponsorship, and the Frielitz golf team led by sales employee Dietmar Fritzsche has already successfully participated in major tournaments. Here too, all proceeds are donated to regional projects.

You can always find out more about our social commitment in our social media.